Saturday, September 8, 2012

Week 3

I thought the article by Marc Prensky was very interesting, and he presented his case in a way that really made me think about education and the shift in the different generations. I really liked his terms "digital natives" and "digital immigrants" and how he said that even though the immigrants may try their best to adapt, they will still have an accent. I know this to be true first hand because even though based on my age I would most likely be labeled as a native, often times I still feel like an immigrant especially with how much more exposure young kids have now as compared to when I was growing up. I'm sure I have a digital accent to them, and liked the way Prensky explained that and how it affects both the students and the teachers. As someone planning to go into the education field it really makes me think about how I can best reach the younger generation who have grown up in a different way I have. It also makes me wonder how it will progress as technology becomes even more advanced and inundated into life from younger and younger ages, and how that will affect how lessons are taught and the format of classrooms.

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