Sunday, September 30, 2012

Reflection 3

I was thinking the other day about how valuable technology is to teachers and the time saver it is. There are so many classroom tools and lesson plans available on the internet that can save us so much time and give us ideas. It is like a huge shared brain. We get to share our ideas and take other teachers' from all over the world. Before all this technology the shared lessons and ideas would have been limited to just the teachers you knew and lived around you, but now you can take lessons from teachers everyone and make them your own to fit your classroom.

1 comment:

  1. Being able to use this shared brain has been really helpful to me as I've started to make lesson plans for other classes. Rather than being caught up in trying to come up with a creative idea for teaching math, I can simply take a few minutes and look at what other teachers have done, which gives me more time to focus on how I should adapt the lesson plan for my class. Having these resources avaiable has saved me a lot of time as well as stress!
