Monday, September 24, 2012

Reflection 2

The other day I was able to talk on Facebook with a friend I met in Thailand who grew up in one of the children's homes we worked at and now works there. I also have been able to stay in contact over email and Facebook with the family who runs the home that takes care of Tina, the little girl who stole my heart. I was just thinking about how incredible it is that I am able to stay up to date and talk with these friends on the other side of the world, and am able to have an almost instantaneous conversation with them. This could be used in a classroom by instead of having pen pals and being limited to the US, students could have email pals and bridge cultures and countries.

1 comment:

  1. That is a great idea. It would be a great way to raise awareness of other countries for students who are unable to travel. Now that we have the resources, I believe that we have the responsibility to stay aware of situations in other countries.
