Saturday, November 17, 2012

Week 13

Word: Typing, the synonyms feature, spell check, formatting help
PowerPoint: Slideshow, transitions, add photos, backgrounds
Excel: I don't really use Excel that often, but when I have I have found it is useful for list making and figuring out money stuff with the auto calculate functions and is helpful to keep everything in line.

Lesson Ideas:
1. To help my students learn Excel we could do a math project where they have to start their own business and keep track of the finances on Excel in order to determine if they are losing or making money.
2. To help my students learn PowerPoint we could do group presentations that relate to something we are working on in class and part of the presentation points come from having certain elements from PowerPoint on their presentation such as, transitions, pictures, words, etc.
3. To help my students learn Word we could do a project where they have to type a short paper and the paper with have things that need to be bolded, italicized, have a header, etc.
                  *Before starting any of these projects we would do a short overview of the programs and the basics of using them and then the projects would give the students more practice with them.

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