Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Reflection 11

I recently had the touch screen on my phone break and had only had the phone for about a year and a half. It seems like each new phone I get breaks quicker and quicker. It makes me wonder that although the technology is getting fancier and more advanced, if the quality is dropping or harder to sustain because it is so fancy. Or maybe it is just a trick from the phone company to make you buy a new phone more often.


  1. It does seem that technology, while getting more advanced, is getting less sturdy. On the other hand, who needs a phone to last for more than a year when it will be outdated in 6 months? I think it's the phone companies trying to make us spend more.

  2. That is a really interesting thing to consider. Most things that we buy we want them to be really good quality so they will last us a long time. But when it comes to technology, especially phones, the updated version will be coming out so fast they maybe it is not important that our phones last a long amount of time.
