Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Technology Project Plan

For my project I will be doing a reading/writing project for fourth graders in relation to different genres of books. They will select a genre research it and figure out the elements of that genre, then read two books that fit their genre write down the element from their book that makes it that genres, and once this is checked off, create their own short story that fits their genre using storybird or possibly pic-lit (I need to look into this one more).
Learning Targets:
The student will be able to explain and recognize the characteristics that make up different genres.
The student will write their own short story using the characteristics of the genre they selected.

2. The student writes in a variety of forms for different audiences and purposes.
2.3. Writes in a variety of forms/genres. 
Grade Level Expectation:  
2.3.1. Uses a variety of forms/genres.


EALR:  3. The student reads different materials for a variety of purposes
Component 3.4 Read for literacy experience in a variety of genre
Grade Level Expectation:  3.4.2. Understand contemporary and traditional literature written in a variety of genres.


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