Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Reflection 4

One of my professors was talking the other day about an article he read on the term "I don't know" and how it will most likely disappear from our vocabulary because of all the access we have to knowledge through the internet on computers, phones, ipods, etc. Now instead of saying "I don't know" when a question is asked, often we say, "hold on let me look it up". I realized how true this is and thought it was very interesting to think about.

1 comment:

  1. Having technology available at our fingertips is definitely empowering, and super helpful when it comes to having to look something up. However, I have heard when we look to technology to provide quick information, we forget what we looked up rather quickly. According to the studies I heard about, if someone had to make a great effort to find the information, they were more likely to retain it longer. Isn't that interesting?
