Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Week 1

There are many different factors that have played into my decision to become a teacher. I have always loved kids and being around them. My mom teaches resource room and as a result has worked with a lot of kids from broken and unstable homes. It breaks my heart to hear some of the stories, but is also encouraging to hear stories of their success in the classroom. So often the only stability a child has will be at school, I want to be able to provide them with a safe place where they can learn and grow. I have always loved learning and think that everyone should have to opportunity to learn and am willing to invest the time and love to try and help each student do the best they can. I also recently spent a little over two weeks in Thailand working in children's homes. The time I spent there working with the kids was probably one of the most joyous times in my life, and really just solidified for me that I truly do want to work with kids the rest of my life. I am so excited to become a teacher and be able to have an impact on kids lives and them impact mine, whether that's here in the US or overseas. 

I feel that technology is an important tool in education, especially in today's society where kids grow up with so much exposure to technology. Technology can be used in so many different ways in the classroom to keep kids engaged and prepare them for the real world where technology will most likely be a critical part of their careers. I am not super tech savvy, so I am a little nervous because chances are the students will know a lot more about the technology than me, but hopefully this class will help me with that.